Inclusion is a big word for love
The layers of inclusion at LSA:
- Living Stones was founded to be a diverse community. God led a group of parents to start a school inspired by Revelation 7:9. Living Stones strives to be a place where people from every nation, tribe, and tongue can worship together.
- Teachers that celebrate each student. Teachers believe that all students have something valuable to share, so they give value to everyone’s voice.
- Staff who actively work to be anti-racist. In addition to diversity training, staff are committed to lifelong learning. Staff meet each month to look for ways that racism affects us as individuals and as a community.
Reflecting God’s creativity
Revelation 7:9 is a beautiful picture that we meditate on often. It’s a vision of many people from every nation, tribe, and nation gathered together to worship our God. Our community strives to worship God in that same way.

Actively Anti-Racist
This community art project reminded us that we are “Called to Stand” for what is right. Children worked together to create this “Justice Box.”

Global Focus
Families from all over the world are attracted to Living Stones—and we get to learn together.

Beloved celebrations
Students at LSA look forward to special days like Lunar New Year, where they dress in red, eat Asian food, and learn about Asian history. We also celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with special food and events.
This family ran out of options
Ruby’s family had been turned away by other schools. But when we met Ruby, we didn’t see a problem, we saw a child of God. Hear how this one student transformed her classmates and school forever.